Willow International and 10ThousandWindows join forces as EverFree to help more trafficking survivors
Global anti-trafficking organizations Willow International and 10ThousandWindows are now EverFree.
July 15, 20 The threat of modern slavery persists as more than 40 million people are trafficked globally every year. Even more shocking, less than 1% of survivors receive any help.
EverFree is on a mission to change that. Together, we free communities of human trafficking and ensure every survivor has the care, opportunity, and support to flourish in freedom – forever.
In September 2021, Willow International and 10ThousandWindows announced they were combining their talent, expertise, and leadership to become EverFree. In just 10 months, EverFree has built strong local-led teams in the Philippines and Uganda that implement our research-based and comprehensive model. Together with local partners, survivor leaders, and our community of donors, EverFree works to free communities from human trafficking, ensuring survivors have the care, opportunity, and support to thrive and flourish.
Despite the world’s efforts to end the cycle of modern slavery over the past two decades, the problem of human trafficking continues to destroy communities, families, and lives all over the world:
- 40 million people are victims of trafficking and modern slavery every year
- 1 in 4 victims is a child.
- 70% of victims are women and girls
- Less than 1 percent of victims get any help at all
- These numbers must change. It is that hope for change that drives EverFree’s work.
Between September 2021 and April 2022, with the generous support of our partners and donors, EverFree unleashed impact towards trafficking prevention and survivor empowerment:
- 595 survivors received holistic care
- 197 survivors received education support and scholarships
- 4,136 counseling sessions for survivors
- 140 survivors received vocational or job-skills training
- 127 survivors started their own businesses or secured safe employment
- 365 survivors accessed health care services
- 80% of survivors self-assessed as taking positive steps towards their dreams and goals.
In the next six months, Everfree plans to launch a new shelter for trafficking survivors, offer
prevention events, and an exclusive traveling “I am Free” Art Exhibit to showcase artwork by
human trafficking survivors. For more information on these events and impacting change
through our work, contact Wendy Dailey (wendy@everfree.org).
With a larger and global reach, EverFree is making strides toward a world free of trafficking,
where quality care is within reach of every single survivor.
Learn more about EverFree’s work.
About EverFree
Every year millions of women and children around the world are enslaved and exploited,
and less than 1% get the help they need to heal and thrive. EverFree is on a mission to
change that. Working hand-in-hand with local leaders, survivors, and our community of
donors, EverFree restores and empowers survivors and supports communities to end
In 2021, Willow International and 10ThousandWindows joined forces to become EverFree.
Learn more at everfree.org/history.