Better data, better care, and stronger collaboration.

Our vision

Freedom for all.

Our mission

EverFree empowers survivors and unites communities through better data, better care, and stronger collaboration to end exploitation.

how we work

FREEDOM lifemap

Freedom powered by technology and data.

Through a partnership between EverFree and the UCI Blum Center for Poverty Alleviation, EverFree CEO Kelsey Morgan and Dr. Angela Robinson, co-created Freedom Lifemap in collaboration with a global cohort of survivors.

We use Freedom Lifemap to understand vulnerabilities and scale better care for survivors and communities. Freedom Lifemap connects participants with a tech-based needs assessment that enables them to access vital services, prevents exploitation, and equips global efforts with data and solutions.

The Freedom Lifemap TECH PLATFORM

Freedom Lifemap sets a new standard of care for the sector. Participants have agency to shape their own care and inform global anti-trafficking programming. And the global anti-trafficking sector has access to solutions that are survivor-informed, measurable, accessible, and evidence-based. It’s systemic, global change powered by technology.

“Wow! What this tool did in 30 minutes would have taken a case manager years to understand about me.”

A Survivor in Uganda, when using the Freedom Lifemap for the first time


Freedom for survivors.

Our Safe Homes and Career & Education Centers support survivors with the care and opportunities they need to attain freedom forever.

Safe Homes

Survivors heal in safety with trauma-informed, individualized care.

Empowerment Centers

Developed with survivors, EverFree’s Empowerment Centers provide education, scholarships and job training to ensure safe, dignified work and financial independence.


Freedom for all.

With data, we unite communities to improve care and prevent exploitation.

We connect and equip the global movement with data and insights to improve care for survivors and vulnerable communities.

With data, we unite communities to identify, predict, and prevent the interconnected root causes to stop exploitation.

Our 2023 Annual Report is here.

“The impact you see in this report is tangible – it reaches so many lives and has the power to transform the entire fight against human trafficking.”

– EverFree CEO Kelsey Morgan