Kirsten Foot, PhD

Professor of Communication
University of Washington

Dr. Kirsten Foot leverages her expertise in inter-organizational relations to conduct action research on what it takes to build and sustain partnerships to counter human trafficking. She curates an open-access collection of collaboration resources and advises counter-trafficking coalitions, and has provided webinar/workshop trainings on collaboration for OVC-TTAC, the National Survivor Network, and international delegations of counter-trafficking experts.

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Every day human trafficking survivors are overcoming trauma and rebuilding their lives.

A Bright Future for Aina

A relative coerced Aina, 15, into online sexual exploitation. Through EverFree’s support, Aina is thriving and dreams of helping others.
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Marion Leads the Way

Trafficking once shattered her dreams. Now, Marion uses her experience and voice to empower other survivors and lead her community.
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Powerful by Design, Sharlene’s Story

Once a victim of human trafficking, Sharlene now employs other survivors in her fashion business, empowering sustainable freedom.
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Our 2023 Annual Report is here.

“The impact you see in this report is tangible – it reaches so many lives and has the power to transform the entire fight against human trafficking.”

– EverFree CEO Kelsey Morgan