Kate Patchell is EverFree’s Communications Coordinator. She holds a BA in English and International Studies (Regent University) and a MA in Global Development & Justice (Multnomah University). She has a varied career background, ranging from work as a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist to work in the anti domestic violence/abuse sector. Her previous sector experience includes addressing gender justice with CBE International, managing a global network against domestic violence with Restored UK, and partnering with local law enforcement and S.A.N.E.s as a Sexual Assault Advocate at her city’s Rape Crisis Center.
Kate is passionate about connecting people cross-sector to provide a strengthened, creative approach to address problems that our united communities face, not least of which are domestic violence and human trafficking. She has used this approach to lead and localize the global campaign, The Red Chair Project, to commemorate November 25th’s ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women’ and the 16 Days of Advocacy, with NGO and governmental representatives from over 20 counties.
Originally from New York, Kate now resides in Florida, with her books, dumbbells, and cats.
Every day human trafficking survivors are overcoming trauma and rebuilding their lives.
EverFree (previously Willow International & 10ThousandWindows) is a DBA of Willow International, a 501(C)3 non-profit organization with Tax ID: 35-2534806
50 million people live in modern slavery and exploitation. Less than 1% of them get the care they need.
EverFree is changing this. Help us create a world with freedom for all.