
“We are so excited about what Freedom Lifemap can do if we have a Freedom Lifemap in the hands of every survivor. This data is going to help everyone understand what's most needed, what policies will make a big impact, what sort of resources are going to move the needle [and] show the world the strength and resiliency and leadership survivors have.”

The CNN Freedom Project is a network-wide campaign that aims to shine a light on the horrors of modern-day slavery and amplify the voices of both the victims and the many dedicated workers fighting to end this global issue. Award-winning journalist and Executive Editor Leif Coorlim recently interviewed EverFree’s CEO Dr. Kelsey Morgan on how Freedom Lifemap endeavors to support survivors and end exploitation through technology and data. 

About Freedom Lifemap:

Founded by EverFree’s Dr. Kelsey Morgan and UCI Blum Center’s Dr. Angela Robinson in collaboration with a global cohort of survivors, Freedom Lifemap is a revolutionary tool that connects survivors with individualized care and equips organizations with powerful data to drive meaningful change.

Click below to watch the feature.

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