
Latest News & Upcoming Events

Maryse’s Story

Forced to be a soldier at the age of 8, Maryse* survived the early loss of freedom, family, and a bullet wound and is thriving today, thanks to the help of EverFree’s aftercare & empowerment programs.  

Law360: EverFree Applauds the REPORT Act

In the USA, the bipartisan REPORT Act was recently signed into law, marking a significant step toward addressing online exploitation by closing critical gaps in our current enforcement systems and strengthening the tools available to law enforcement to effectively and efficiently investigate cases. Law360 published EverFree’s statement in support of this major step.

Zoe’s Story

Believing her whole life that she was an orphan, a survivor reunites with her mother thanks to the persistence of an incredible case manager.

Our 2023 Annual Report is here.

“The impact you see in this report is tangible – it reaches so many lives and has the power to transform the entire fight against human trafficking.”

– EverFree CEO Kelsey Morgan