Be informed. Stop exploitation.
Exploitation destroys lives and devastates communities. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Use our resources to learn how you can take action.Â
50 million people live in modern-day slavery and exploitation. It is a crime that profits off of human lives on a massive scale, with global annual profits of $236 billion per year. Of the millions around the world affected who are exploited and trafficked, less than 1% receive the crucial care they need. What does trafficking look like? How does it happen? And how can we end it? Explore EverFree’s resources to be informed and raise awareness.
people are living in situations of trafficking and exploitation right now
of trafficking victims are women and girls
victims is a child
of survivors receive the care they need to thrive in freedom
Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit people for commercial sex or labor.
Force can include physical abuse or assault, sexual abuse or assault, drugging someone into incapacitation, or confinement such as being locked in a room, bound, or physically prevented from moving or leaving.
Fraud includes false promises of a better job, good pay, a new life, better circumstances for one’s family, the use of fraudulent travel documents such as passports or visas, false advertising.
Physical Coercion:
This includes threatening someone with a weapon or with physical abuse or pain.
Psychological Coercion:
This includes threats or intimidation against the victim or victim’s family, including threats to physically harm a loved one, blackmail (such as threatening to release nude photos of a person), threats of deportation or sending someone to jail, intimidation with the fear of death.
Primary Forms of Trafficking
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We might already know the popular image of human trafficking from movies or stereotypes—dramatic kidnappings or strangers in vans. But the realities of trafficking are much more complex. It is important to recognize the different ways trafficking happens and how to recognize them. Click below to learn more about what trafficking looks like, how traffickers gain power and control, and more.
EverFree’s unique approach stops exploitation at its core. We deliver survivor-informed, local-led, and scalable solutions that confront the systems that perpetuate abuse, spark human flourishing, and accelerate lasting freedom for all.
EverFree (previously Willow International & 10ThousandWindows) is a DBA of Willow International, a 501(C)3 non-profit organization with Tax ID: 35-2534806